
  • F. Auger, P. Flandrin, May 1995: "Improving the Readability of Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Representations by Reassignment Methods", IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., Vol. SP-43, No. 5, pp. 1068-1089.

    Improving the Readability of Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Representations by Reassignment Methods

    In this paper, the use of the reassignment method, first applied 15 years ago by Kodera, Gendrin and de Villedary to the spectrogram, is generalized to any bilinear time-frequency or time-scale distribution. This method creates a modified version of a representation by moving its values away fram where they are computed, so as to produce a better localization of the signal components. We first propose a new formulation of this method followed by a thorough theoretical study of its characteristics. Its pratical use for a large variety of known time-frequency and time-scale distributions is then addressed. Finally, some experimental results are reported to demonstrate the performance of this method.

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