
Détecteur DarkSide-50 © Collaboration Darkside

Il y a dix ans, le 4 juillet 2012, les collaborations ATLAS et CMS annonçaient la découverte d'une nouvelle particule cohérente avec le boson de Higgs du modèle standard (SM) de la physique des particules utilisant les collisions proton-proton délivrées par le Large Hadron Collider (LHC ) au CERN.
Cette découverte a marqué un progrès fondamentale de la physique des particules en raison du rôle clé joué par le boson de Higgs dans l’interpretation théorique des phénomènes microscopiques fournie par le SM [1].
Dix ans plus tard, un...

Event reconstruction with DarkSide-20k for dark matter search

Dark Matter is one of the main puzzles in fundamental physics and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) are among the best-motivated dark matter particle candidates. As of today, the most sensitive experimental technique to discover the WIMPs in the mass range from 2 GeV to 10 TeV is the dual phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC) filled with noble liquids. DarkSide-20k is the next generation of Liquid Argon (LAr) TPC, which will be running at LNGS (Italy) from 2024 with 50-ton active mass.
Mid-February, 2022, the first deep sea neutrino telescope, ANTARES, was powered down for the last time.

Mi-février 2022, le premier télescope à neutrinos en mer profonde, a été définitivement mis hors tension . 

Event reconstruction and definition with DarkSide-20k for direct dark matter search in liquid argon

Dark Matter is one of the main puzzles in fundamental physics and Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMP) are among the best-motivated dark matter particle candidates. As of today, the most sensitive experimental technique to discover the WIMPs in the mass range from 2 GeV to 10 TeV is the dual phase Time Projection Chamber (TPC) filled with noble liquids. DarkSide-20k is the next generation of Liquid Argon (LAr) TPC, which will be running at LNGS (Italy) from 2025. 

Post-doctoral position: Probing core-collapse supernovae with neutrinos At the AstroParticles and Cosmology laboratory

The LEAK team at APC is looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work on the detection and characterization of Core-Collapse Supernovae (CCSNe) at KM3NeT, DUNE, and DarkSide. CCSNe are an essential component of the dynamics of the Universe, leading to the formation of neutron stars and stellar black holes, as well as paving the way to the birth of new stars. The observation of SN1987A as well as increasingly precise CCSN simulations indicated that neutrinos produced in the core of the collapsing star play a crucial role in the CCSN evolution.


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