
Detecting quantum entanglement in the sky

Although inflation is broadly accepted to be the standard paradigm for early universe cosmology, many of its quantum properties remain unknown. For instance, the crowning glory of inflation lies in explaining late-time macroscopic inhomogeneities as arising from tiny quantum fluctuations; however, most of the established literature ignores the crucial role that entanglement between the modes of the fluctuating field plays in its observable predictions.

Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds (SGWB) characterization with LISA

In this seminar I will discuss Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds (SGWB) characterization with LISA. After a general introduction on SGWB detection, I will explain the peculiar features of LISA with a focus on the response function and on the noise spectrum. The core of my talk will be the presentation of two different methods for model independent SGWB frequency reconstruction:
- The so-called ``binning method'' (1906.09244, 2009.11845) based on the idea of approximating the signal with a piecewise-defined function where each sub-function is a power law.

Primordial black holes from metric preheating: mass fraction in the excursion-set approach

We calculate the mass distribution of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) produced during metric preheating. After inflation, the oscillations of the inflaton at the bottom of its potential source a parametric resonant instability for small-scale scalar perturbations, that may collapse into black holes. After reviewing in a pedagogical way different techniques that have been developed in the literature to compute mass distributions of PBHs, we focus on the excursion-set approach.

Wash-in leptogenesis

I will present a new leptogenesis mechanism based on the
standard type-I seesaw model that successfully operates at
right-handed-neutrino masses as low as a few 100 TeV. This mechanism,
which we dub wash-in leptogenesis, does not require any $CP$ violation
in the neutrino sector and can be implemented even in the regime of
strong washout. The key idea behind wash-in leptogenesis is to
generalize standard freeze-out leptogenesis to a nonminimal cosmological
background in which the chemical potentials of all particles not in

Exotic compact objects and their gravitational waves by Alexandre Toubiana

This week we have the pleasure of welcoming our very own Alexandre Toubiana for the next Gravitation group seminar. He will present his recent work on exotic compact objects and their gravitational waves, abstract below.

The virtual seminar will take place this Friday, 27th November at 11am. The zoom coordinates are also below.


New gravitational degrees of freedom as a solution to the dark matter problem

Cosmological and astronomical observations indicate that the majority of mass and energy density of fields in the universe are in a form which interacts extremely weakly, if at all, with light. The standard interpretation is the existence of dark matter, commonly thought to be in the form of particles not part of the standard model of particle physics. At present a firm detection of such a particle is lacking, and moreover, all these observations concern a mismatch between the observed dynamics of visible matter with its gravitational influence.

Seminar of Philosophy of Science: Replicability in cosmology: lessons to be drawn from the Hubble constant so called 'crisis'

Seminar of Philosophy of Science

Title: Replicability in cosmology: lessons to be drawn from the Hubble constant so called 'crisis'

Speaker: Dr Marie Gueguen, Center for the Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburg

Friday the 20th of November, 11:00

Zoom: link communicated via e-mail

We are organising a cycle of seminars of philosophy of science this semester at the APC.


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