
Zooming on B-modes: data analysis and scientific exploitation of current and future data sets of POLARBEAR/Simons Array - next generation CMB B-mode observatory

POLARBEAR (PB) was the first experiment deployed as part of this program and delivered in the last couple of years some of the most interesting results in the field. This single-telescope, single-frequency observatory operating with O(1000) high-sensitivity detectors is going to be progressively replaced by a more powerful Simons Array (SA), composed of three telescopes, observing in at least three frequency bands and furnished with roughly O(10,000) detectors.

Probing Dark Energy and Modified Gravity with Galaxy Clusters with Euclid

The primary objective of cosmological research in the coming decade is to understand the accelerated expansion of the Universe.  Is it caused by a new cosmic component commonly called dark energy or a modification to General Relativity?  The abundance of galaxy clusters as a function of their mass and its evolution with redshift is a sensitive probe of the expansion rate and of structure formation.  Detecting and counting clusters is therefore an observational method probe of both dark energy and of possible modifications to General Relativity.


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