PhD position in Neutrino and Multi-Messenger Astronomy



The Astroparticle physics groups hosted at the Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology (CP3) at UCLouvain (Belgium) and at the Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie (APC) at Université Paris Cité (UPCité) are welcoming applications for a joint PhD student position in neutrino and multi-messenger astronomy. 

The physicists of CP3 and APC conduct research in astroparticle physics and cosmology on the experimental and theoretical fronts. The two labs are internationally recognised. The UCLouvain Astroparticle physics group focuses on neutrino and multi-messenger astronomy and is a member of both the IceCube and KM3NeT collaborations, while the UPCité neutrino team is a member of the ANTARES and KM3NeT collaborations.

The selected candidate is expected to take a leading role in the search for neutrinos from astrophysical transients. The PhD student will be asked through the project to develop innovative data analysis and reconstruction techniques combining data from several large neutrino telescopes, use data science tools and statistical methods, and carry out phenomenological studies using multi-messenger data. The project will also provide them a good visibility within the ANTARES, IceCube, and KM3NeT collaborations and the neutrino astronomy community in general.

The appointment is for four years. Computing resources and support for travelling are excellent and the working environment will be stimulating and allow for personal growth. A special care to well-being and career management will be provided throughout the contract. The selected candidate is expected to start no later than Fall 2024. The salary is around 23 k€/year net free of taxes, and includes all social security coverage. Applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged and priority will be given to applicants from underrepresented groups in case of equal qualifications.

Applications, which must include a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research interests and motivation, and at least two recommendation letters from senior scientists, should be submitted online, by August 18th, 2024, at: Applicants should hold a Master Degree in physics, astronomy, or engineering and demonstrate a strong interest in astroparticle physics. The position will remain open after this first deadline until a suitable candidate is found.


Antoine Kouchner (APC) and Gwenhaël Dewasseige (CP3)






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