10/22/2007 - s2hat v2.0(beta) released; 10/25/2007 - mask2scan - bug fixed; 10/25/2007 - scanBcast - syntax change: on the input: variable of a pixelization type not a pointer to it. 01/30/2008 - s2hat v2.01(beta) released; 02/10/2010 - s2hat v.2.5(beta) released: - bug in map2alm fixed -- it was showing up only in the multiply-connected observed sky patch cases; - a total number of pixels (often used only implicitly) in the full sky maps accepted by the library has been extended to be any number, representable by an 8 byte int (instead of 4 byte one); - disconnected from HEALPIX library -- variable types now defined internally rather than via healpix_types; -- does not have to use any of the HEALPIX routines (but can use HEALPIX FFTs if desired); - s2hat specific types: -- e.g. s2hat_int4 (C), s2hat_i4b (F90) - all defined in s2hat_defs.* -- also for consistency the structures renamed accordingly: pixeltype -> s2hat_pixeltype; scandef -> s2hat_scandef, etc ... - permits a choice of an external FFT package; - Monte Carlo optimization of thr FFTs; - platform-specific optimization for map2alm routines; - SMAXCHNK can be changed on compiling; - partial map and partial alm distribution/collection routines. 02/15/2010 - s2hat v2.51(beta) released: - comment line problem in the -DSP3 case fixed; - example codes and scripts added to the tarball. 07/15/2010 - s2hat v.2.52(beta) released: - preprocessors comments in F90 files moved to the first columns as required by some compilers; - minor bug fixed in plm_mvals_gen; - bug/typo corrected in s2hat_f2c.h (thanx to Sam Leach). 09/08/2010 - s2hat v.2.54(beta) released: - changes in a way F90 pointers are used to make the routines work for some versions of gfortran compilers (e.g., as distributed with Ubuntu, etc - and likely also with other Debian-based linux distributions), which it used to fail before. The problems was with an assignement instruction pa => a, where a is an allocated array and pa a corresponding pointer. It turned out that if an index of "a" goes from 0 to n then a corresponding index of "pa" goes also from 0 to n for most of the compilers (including some gfortran ones). However, for gfortran distributed in ubunbtu the index of "pa" runs from 1 to n+1. Note that if the assignment explicitly states the index ranges than the pointer indices are always shifted by 1. I.e., pa => a(0:n) then the values of the index of "pa" are from 1 to n+1; - minor fixes in the way the plans are used in the case of HEALPix FFTs. 04/30/2012 - version 2.55 beta released: - minor bugs fixes: -- in collect_partialalms (module: s2hat_toolbox.F90); -- in s2hat_ring_synthesis_fftw_c2r and (related) in fft_mc_setup (module: s2hat_toolbox.F90).